VO LIfe: That Moment of Studio Zen – Tuesday Tech Tip

Staring down the mics in my home voiceover studio.

When utilizing your home voiceover studio, there will be a moment when you realize that you have stopped thinking about it.

That may sound like an impossibly weird thing to imagine. We tend to focus heavily on each variable in our recording equation: how loud our neighbors are, the frequency with which some delivery truck chooses a nearby location to sit and idle loudly, the length of time sound continues in our space after a sharp clap. It’s likely that your entire recent online search history consists of sites covering microphones, interfaces, cables, acoustic treatment, and recording software. It’s even possible that you can now recite certain scripts from memory because you’ve recited them repeatedly to compare different gear and setups.

Then, one day you look up and realize that you haven’t thought of any of that.

An audition came in and you simply prepped it, set levelshit recordpositioned yourself properly at the mic, delivered a take, and found yourself considering what was needed to craft a compelling audition.

Remember all those technical tasks that used to feel so cumbersome? Now they are embedded in muscle memory and part of the creative flow. That’s been the goal.

It may not happen today or even this month. But the more we work with our instrument, the more familiar we become with it. With a strong foundation, we can then build out more complex structures, for example connecting with a client for a directed session becomes just another option we are comfortable in offering.

If connecting live with a client causes tension, remember how far you have come. Taking stock of the tasks which are now second nature will give you confidence as you learn new techniques. Very little that we do remains static. Old techniques fade away and new workflows appear. It’s one of the reasons I stress keeping things as simple as possible. When we strip away the excess, what remains is robust. There’s no reason to make things more complex than they need to be.

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