Voiceover Resources: Articles & Posts

VO LIfe: That Moment of Studio Zen – Tuesday Tech Tip

When utilizing your home voiceover studio, there will be a moment when you realize that you have stopped thinking about...

Studio Recording Software: The Audacity of Temptation

Last week as I was opening Audacity to demonstrate a few features to my Audition Ready Audio class, a window popped up stating version...

Spooky VO Tech Tip! 10 Treats for You

Note: If you receive my direct emails, this landed in your inbox on October 31st, 2023. Since this message went...

Voiceover Studio Mindset: No Apology Necessary

When it comes to deciding on recording software, voice actors seem to make a wide variety of choices. I think that’s...

VO Studio Mindset: Shipping It

Often in the creative whirlwind of our home voiceover studios, a sudden moment of weird isolation creeps in. Sometimes, it’s...

VO Studio Workflow: Batching It (with Izotope RX)

Izotope RX Standard has a robust Batch Processor which is a pleasure to use. Batch Processors let you create a progression of Effect steps - similar to a Stack in Twisted Wave, Rack Effects in Adobe Audition, Macros in Audacity, or even the Module Chain in RX. However, Stacks, Racks, and simple Macros only work on the single file you have opened. What makes a Batch Processor more powerful is the ability to act upon multiple files - perfect for handling repetitive steps across all chapters in an audiobook, for example.

Izotope RX Tools: Using Loudness Control to Meet Audiobook Spec

Izotope's RX10 Standard has a powerful tool which may have flown under your radar. Loudness Control can help adjust audio to meet audiobook delivery spec. Since Loudness Control is part of the core RX Standard toolset, it allows you to easily embrace automation, especially in an audiobook production workflow.

VO Studio Mindset: Simple is not Simplistic

Creating a simple studio setup from the start can prevent wasted movements or the need to remember arcane steps just to achieve basic tasks.

The Home Voiceover Studio of the Future – Tuesday Tech Tip

These days we are often asked to step into more complex roles that have little to do with the actual craft of voice acting. While that's unlikely to cease, it brings with it opportunities. By continuing to recognize the next challenge to solve, coming up with solutions will likely help us to continue to be competitive.

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