The demands of setting up a home voiceover studio for auditions, narrations, character work, or podcast hosting are clear. It needs to sound great and we usually have to work in sub-optimal spaces. It’s a very real challenge in the current times that we now do most of our work in our own recording setup.
This can seem overwhelming, especially if you’ve spent any time watching confusing videos or tracking recommendations across many of the online discussion groups.
Before I began pursuing a career in voiceover, I spent way too many hours in recording studios using all manner of equipment. This gave me a good sense of what is necessary to set up a high quality home voiceover studio. Since I’m also a working voice actor, I understand that most did not get into this field to become an audio engineer. So, I’ve stripped away those things which don’t matter for our purposes, refined workflows across multiple recording applications so you can work in software that makes sense to you, and recommend gear that works reliably and sounds great.
I’d love to help you hone your home voiceover studio skills so you can deliver competitive auditions, complete high quality projects, handle live sessions through Source-Connect, and be ready for any VO recording situation.
Here’s the Truth: to be competitive as a voiceover professional, you need to record auditions and produce work with exceptional quality. These days, that means capturing your VO performance in home voiceover studio.
That can be a huge sticking point in your voice acting journey. Most people were not attracted to voiceover in order to become an in-house audio engineer and computer IT department.
Voiceover Recording Skills Can Be Learned
While voiceover recording skills can be learned, they are very specific to the VO industry. While there may be countless hours of general “how to record” videos to be found online, most are not geared to the unique needs of the voiceover industry. Setting up a home VO studio, specific voiceover recording equipment needs, workflow best practices, and requirements for deliverables such as audiobooks won’t be covered in many of those resources.
While it can seem overwhelming at first, I can help you understand how to work efficiently, invest in appropriate gear, and develop a recording space which will support your creativity.
As a new voice actor (or even if you’ve recorded at home for years!), you are always welcome to set up a free 15 minute session to talk through challenges you are facing in setting up a home recording space.
In addition to working directly with you to set up a personalized studio and workflow, I teach online classes through Voice One, Berkeley Rep School of Theatre and other high quality voiceover training organizations.
Voiceover Recording Classes
These online voiceover-specific recording courses are geared to get you set up with the right equipment, help you figure out an optimum recording space, and provide the skills you need to send brilliant voiceover auditions: Recording at Home, Audition-Ready Audio, Plug-ins and Polishing Tools, and Audio Editing Workflows.
If you are looking to connect with clients using Source-Connect, ipDTL or other remote session software, the Source-Connect, Phone Patch & Remote Direction workshop covers everything you need to know.
Recording Software? I’ve got you covered!
The Twisted Wave: Foundations workshop will get you up and running with this versatile and robust recording program in a group session, while I also offer a Twisted Wave: Deep Dive workshop to learn the extensive recording tools in the Twisted Wave recording application. More information below or on my Twisted Wave page here on this site.
If that doesn’t work for your schedule, we can easily connect for a one on one coaching session – whether you want to learn Twisted Wave, Adobe Audition, OcenAudio, Audacity, Studio One or other recording software, or take things to the next level and tune up your Effects, Stacks, Macros, and studio production workflow.
Testimonials from students and clients
Current Online Classes
(Note – All times shown are Pacific US)

Your Intro to Home Voiceover Recording –
Steps to setting up a home VO studio
Where to start: Recording At Home
Are you ready to set up a recording space at home? Trying to purchase your first microphone? Can’t quite understand how your recording setup fits together? This course provides the information you need to set up gear and tools so you can reliably capture your brilliant acting performances.
This course assumes you need to start at the basics. There is no specific recording homework for this class, but if you have equipment, we’ll review your results.
I’ll demystify the gear and recording tools. Then, we’ll get things rigged so you can understand how to reliably record auditions for agents, clients and workshops. You’ll learn how to identify the best place to record, “get it right” at the source, current editing conventions, and how to export sound files for different purposes. You’ll receive extensive resources for recommended voiceover microphones, audio interfaces, acoustic treatments, software options, and more. At the end of this two session workshop, you’ll understand how create a home VO booth to work as your “instrument.”
Register now through Voice One
Do you have a mic? Are you ready to record?
It’s time for “Audition Ready Audio!”
VO Step 2 – You have your studio gear – but simply owning good equipment is no guarantee that your sound is competitive. How do you know if it is any good?
Here’s the brutal truth: Poor quality audio in your audition means it gets immediately deleted, and generally, no one will tell you if it sounds bad. All that effort behind the microphone goes to waste.
In this 2-week workshop, you’ll start with pre-class recording homework which will receive a detailed evaluation. You’ll then receive specific feedback and areas to address, and gain a clear understanding of what makes “Audition Ready Audio.”
Register now through Voice One

Plug-ins and Polishing Tools – Reliably Delivering Quality Audio to Clients
You’ve been recording yourself well and getting consistent results. But are you pondering why your brilliant auditions don’t get noticed? Are you having trouble meeting ACX spec for your audiobook projects?
What about using audio Effects on your recordings?How much processing do you need to be competitive? How much is too much? Is Noise Reduction OK? How about Compression? EQ? Normalization? Conflicting advice in online discussions have your head spinning?
The two session workshop “Plug-Ins and Polishing Tools” will build an understanding of these tools so you can use what you need, polish your auditions, and refine your workflow. You’ll begin with a pre-class assignment and receive detailed feedback on your current audio quality. Then we will dive deeply into the tools to make things sound great, or fix common issues in your home voiceover studio.
Register now through Voice One

Twisted Wave: Deep Dive – Learn key workflows in this small group workshop
Twisted Wave: Deep Dive gives you an understanding the tools found in Twisted Wave and to use them as a working voice actor. In this small group, four hour session, you’ll learn the hidden tools to make your auditioning and production workflows supremely efficient.
Prerequisites – Students should understand the basics of VO recording and be basically familiar with the Twisted Wave recording/editing software. Investment – $165
Next Session –
Registered attendees will receive a video of this event for their personal use. You do not have to attend the session.
Contact me directly for availability or reserve your spot by clicking the Paypal button below or by using this quick link. You will receive a detailed confirmation and receipt within 24 hours.
Want to go deeper into Twisted Wave but can’t attend this session?
I partnered with GVAA to present two “Working With Twisted Wave” webinars which are available for download (or accessed free if you are a GVAA member).
More information and links to the recordings can be found through my Twisted Wave VO Recording page.
Foundations: An Introduction to Twisted Wave
I’ll walk you through the setup and basics of using Twisted Wave
Investment: $67
The “buy now” button below will take you to a secure Paypal payments page, where you can use your credit or debit card, or your linked bank account.
(Can’t make this one? Contact me through the form below and for early notification of the next session.)
You will receive a separate confirmation via email within 24 hours.
Foundations: Twisted Wave is a 2 hour live webinar focused on a the basics of Twisted Wave. In this online workshop, I’ll demonstrate how to set up and work with the core functions of Twisted Wave for voiceover recording.
This is the perfect way to understand the workflow and tools in this versatile recording and editing software. There will be ample time for Q&A following the workshop.
Have you downloaded Twisted Wave and feel as though you’ve only scratched the surface, or are not sure how to get the best out of this software? This will help you understand how to set up files, choose the best working formats. Move more efficiently when recording.
Foundations: Twisted Wave covers –
- Understanding Twisted Wave layout
- Basics of file organization
- File formats and best practices for audio delivery
- Editing tools
- Zooming behaviors and managing longer files
- Setting up a workflow for auditions
- Helpful tools for audiobook projects
BONUS: Includes a video of your session, for your personal use
(you will receive the video even if you are unable to attend the session)
Recording and Studio Courses Overview

Recording At Home – The Basics
This class provides a guided overview of VO recording equipment.
Geared for the new voice actor who knows that it’s time to set up their Home VO Studio! Perfect for the tech-phobic and no-mic-owning. I’ll walk you through key essentials in getting ready to record at home and will detail the audio equipment you’ll need to capture your brilliant performances. Includes demos of home recording core skills using affordable computer software. Handouts and resources supplied. You do not need recording equipment for this course. There is no recording homework for this class, but I will review audio if you are able to record. Two class sessions.
Looking for Current classes? Register now through Voice One
Audition Ready Audio – Start Sending Auditions!
VO Step 2 – You have your studio gear – but simply owning good equipment is no guarantee that your sound is competitive. How do you know if it is any good? Poor quality audio gets deleted, and generally, no one will tell you if it sounds bad. In this 2-week workshop, you’ll start by sending a current recording for detailed evaluation, receive specific feedback and areas to address, and gain a clear understanding of what makes “audition ready audio.” Handouts and resources supplied. Two class sessions.
Prerequisites: Completion of “Recording At Home – The Basics”, or an understanding of basic recording, recording equipment required, recording homework will be assigned
Looking for Current classes? Register now through Voice One
Plug-Ins and Polishing Tools – Make your audio sound great!
You’ve been recording yourself and getting consistent results. Wondering why your brilliant auditions don’t get noticed? Trouble meeting ACX spec? How much processing do you need to be competitive? How much is too much? Is Noise Reduction OK? How about Compression? EQ? Normalization? This two week workshop will build an understanding of these tools so you can use what you need, polish your auditions, and refine your workflow. You’ll begin with a pre-class assignment and receive detailed feedback on your current audio quality. Two class sessions.
Prerequisites: Completion of “Audition Ready Audio” or by instructor permission, recording equipment required, recording homework will be assigned
Looking for Current classes? Register now through Voice One
Audio Editing Workflow – Gain Efficiency in your studio!
Don’t let audio editing bog you down in the studio! Whether you are delivering audio for explainer videos, eLearning, or audiobooks, this 2-hour live workshop will provide you with a clean plan for efficient editing and an understanding of actionable approaches to speed up your audio editing workflows. There will be a pre-class recording exercise. One class session.
This class is focused on editing workflow. For using advanced processing tools such as EQ and compression, see Post-Production Polishing.
Looking for Current classes? Register now through Voice One
Source-Connect, Phone Patch & Remote Direction
These days, the ability to seamlessly work with remote studios and directors is a must.
Have no fear! We are here to help you connect your studio to this brave new world of receiving remote direction at home. I’ll walk you through the steps of mastering Source Connect and IPDTL, as well as other commonly used options. You’ll understand the tools you need to be a connected studio – a skill you need to be competitive these days! Feel your confidence soar as you become prepared for a professional home session. Single session workshop.
Prerequisites: should have reliable home recording setup
Looking for Current classes? Register now through Voice One
How to Sign Up for these classes
Classes are currently available for online signup through
Voice One in San Francisco, CA – online registration available
Note: Popular classes sometimes add another offering if my schedule allows. So if the class has been filled or you do not see it currently offered, please let the team at Voice One know you want to get on the waiting list for the next session. There may be changes or other offerings.
Please feel free to contact me with any other questions.
Online voiceover classes are also offered through Berkeley Rep School of Theatre. These are more general VO performance and skills classes but the Intermediate and Advanced classes do cover home studio setup and recording.
Performance Focused Classes – Core VO Skills
Commercial Core Classes at Voice One
I’ve been honored to work with the dynamic and supportive team at Voice One (located in San Francisco, CA, but connected to voice actors all over the world through their extensive online course offereings). I lead several types of workshops and classes which focus on specific types of voiceover performance, script analysis, voiceover business operations and development, as well as a full array of voiceover studio and recording classes.
You can see the current offerings at VoiceOne.com –

Individual Instruction Available
If you cannot attend these classes, let’s connect directly. We can work together to cover software instruction, audio quality improvement, advanced editing techniques and other audition/production workflow refinement. The best way to start is to send me audio for a no charge review or schedule a free 15 minute new client session.
There’s more info on the Coaching section of this site, or just use the form below if you have a question –