Ocenaudio Audiobook Issue – RMS Value using AES17
Note – this is being reprinted from my email shared in early December 2020. If you are reading this well...
Note – this is being reprinted from my email shared in early December 2020. If you are reading this well...
Avoid the lure of the System Upgrade! In addition to the frantic escapades of this political season, it is also...
Recently, I found myself staring up to the right of my editing desk, musing that hooks are better than shelves...
It’s not clear that AudioLab does anything you aren’t already doing with your audiobook workflow. In some cases, it seemed to provide a misleading response about the quality of submitted audio.
What to do when you hop into the booth to record and the microphone either isn't working - check these 5 things (plus a few bonus thoughts...)
"Normalize" seems to be one of the most confusing terms in voiceover recording studios. Here's what it actually does...
Using Source-Stream on your MacOS Source-Connect session can fix connection issues. Here's a quick outline of what it does...
DAW software allows you to create a “Template.” With that tool, you set up everything exactly how you want it to work and then save a “snapshot” of those settings. When you begin a new project, opening the Template presents that same layout.
Volume can mislead us. If something is louder, we might think our voiceover recording is better. Here's how to compensate for that...