Recording Software Update: Realtime Effects In Audacity
The new Audacity version 3.2.0 continues the makeover of the graphic design and adds a major workflow tool with Realtime Effects. Here's a look at what that means for voiceover recording.
The new Audacity version 3.2.0 continues the makeover of the graphic design and adds a major workflow tool with Realtime Effects. Here's a look at what that means for voiceover recording.
We can’t revise what we don’t recognize. An outside perspective is useful in almost everything we do. How do you find that balance?
The amount of audio we listen to can impact our hearing over time. It also can lead us astray when we analyze our performance. Protecting our hearing, and learning how to listen are key ideas in the voiceover studio.
In our home setup, there’s an ever-changing set of variables vying for our attention. We need to find focus. But can we go too far? Where is the sweet spot? And how can going for a short errand on the bicycle apply?
This time of year sometimes strikes me as an awkward time - not really summer, yet it doesn’t seem to have quite settled into the fall... Plus Voiceover Audition Commercial Loudness Survey results. #justaskjimvo
Finishing up the commercial audition Loudness survey, one of my goals was to make more voice actors aware there’s life beyond “Peak” values. In the past few weeks, many voice actors asked three similar questions.
To better understand Loudness in our audio files, we need data. I’d love to have you share your Loudness values through a quick survey.
From the point of view of casting directors, it’s better if things are arriving within an expected range of loudness. But is louder better?
Can we be sure our auditions are at the right volume? Delivering competitively loud audio should be approached on a case-by-case basis.